We could use the code as simple as the following in HTML to play Pac-Man using Ruffle. Let’s use one of my favorite Flash games in my childhood Pac-Man as an example. In this blog post, I would like to discuss how to emulate Flash player in HTML using tools such as Ruffle. Therefore, it is still possible to play the classic Flash cartoons and games, which brought us so much fun when we were children, in a modern browser. Recently, I found that Flash can still be securely used in HTML5 via emulation. Since then, when we try to browse any web page that has Flash contents, either the Flash will be totally blocked or we will receive security warnings from the browser. In 2020, the Adobe Flash Player has reached the end of its life. If instead I use the Adobe player with the downloaded files.

In 2017, because of the Flash security flaws, Adobe deprecated the Flash Player and started to embrace HTML5. Flash player emulator install Flash player emulator code Flash player emulator download. The middle school computer course would even teach the student on how to program Flash to create cartoons and games. I remember Flash cartoons and games are very popular when I was in primary school and middle school around year 2000.